TF1 – 20h

Février 2016 Free Persephone au 20h de TF1 pour un reportage sur les bars à ongle : depuis 2010, ces bars importés des États-Unis, fleurissent à Paris et en Province. Cette tendance n’a pas échappé à la presse féminine. Se vernir les ongles est entré dans les mœurs des Françaises.

WWD Japan

As beautiful as Paris is, did you know that it has few elegant and fancy salons? In fact, Parisian nail salons have a reputation for being unsanitary, with plain furniture and nail technicians with poor technique. To improve this situation, Lauren Creecy, an American who has lived in Paris for 15 years, opened a new […]

Aqua Spa is a wonderfully relaxing, unpretentious haven in the heart of the city. The staff is friendly, attentive and knowledgeable, offering a complete list of services and expertise. Amrit’s facials in particular are a special treat. I’ve been going to Aqua regularly for five years, and have never wanted to go anywhere else. October […]